
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Kids from Frosty the Snowman Had a Poor Business Sense.

Can you imagine all the money they could have made by using that hat for profit? I can think of one thing that would surely bring millions of dollars and that's placing that old silk hat on other inanimate objects or possibly deceased loved ones. Think about the fame and fortune they could have had at such an early age. They certainly would have been much smarter than Matt Damon in Hereafter. 
Speaking of which, where did Frosty go at the end of the cartoon? If he said he'll be back again someday then clearly his soul went somewhere after he melted. Is Frosty waiting around in purgatory or as that silk hat sits underneath a pile of board games in some kid's closet? What if it never snowed again in that town? 

The kids should have made a bigger effort to bring Frosty back or ship that hat to Antarctica so he could lead a somewhat normal life questioning his existence and building ice towers for the kingdom he would eventually erect. He could have brought new elements to the entertainment biz. Yeah, those rotten kids definitely sold everybody short when it came to that little hat.

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