I apologize for not posting in the last few weeks. I could have gave a heads up or something, but things had gotten hectic in the last few weeks and I was feeling burnt out from everything. So, today, I sit at my laptop scribing this blog to tell you about the things I haven't done in the last few weeks and the movies that I haven't watched. I've yet to see X-Men: First Class, Super 8 or Green Lantern. Basically, I've been out of the loop for movies that I love.

I did, however, get a chance to see Tree of Life with Sean Penn, Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain. I had a blog post written about this film on my iPhone, but out of sheer stupidity, I forgot to save it; because none of us will ever see it again I will say that it was possibly the greatest blog post I've ever written and that say's a lot because the statistics for Our Morning Wood point to the "Miles Dyson" post as the most viewed in the states and around the world.
The Tree of Life is a hard film to digest. It's a film that you might find yourself hating towards the middle and loving towards the end. If you're like me, you might be indifferent to it and you may find yourself thinking about the images for a week or two. There's a lot to this film and with a run time of about two hours and thirty minutes you're shown the history of the universe and the childhood of three kids. The better parts of the film involve Jack's- played by Sean Penn- childhood memories and had director Terrence Malick focused on this further he'd have a very powerful family drama. This is not to discredit the sequences of dinosaurs and evolution, but there are two different films passing itself as one.
Perhaps that's the point of the movie: Trying to make two things such as God and nature co-exist in a way that they complement each other. It could be very possible that the movie doesn't have a specific point and is open to interpretation as I've yet to find two people that agree wholly on the same idea. What I feel comfortable with is taking what I've experienced in life and what the film displays and making some sort of connection there, but still, no definite answer.

If you find yourself wanting to walk out of this film, don't feel bad. I played with the idea of leaving and getting my money back, but to this day, I've never walked out of a movie, so why start now? If you find yourself wanting to watch the movie, I strongly suggest waiting for the DVD as you could watch it at your own leisure and rumor has it that Terrence Malick is working on a six hour cut of the film that would focus on the life of young Jack even further.
That's it for right now. Hopefully, I get the chance to see some cool things in the coming days as I'm considering today the first day of my break from school. If I do, I'll be sure to post them here.